12 August 2009

TD2 slowly organizing...

A combination of low-level stable air and moderate easterly wind shear is keeping TD2 below Tropical Storm intensity.  The latest intensity estimate is 30kts and 1006mb, and still heading W at 11kts.  The forecast track has changed very little since yesterday.  TD2 is still expected to reach TS status later today.

Elsewhere, the potent easterly wave I referenced yesterday has now exited the African coast and will be monitored for development.  Several computer models suggest this could become a storm to cause concern in the distant future.

I wanted to point out that my webpage at http://einstein.atmos.colostate.edu/~mcnoldy/tropics/atlantic/ is a little different... I reorganized the links.  So you might need to hunt around a bit at first to find your favorite resources, but hopefully the new system will work out better for people.

Please visit my tropical Atlantic headquarters.

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