21 August 2009

Bill heads NW between Bermuda and US...

Not much has changed since my last update on Wednesday.  The storm has weakened a bit to 95kts and 957mb, and has begun its more northerly track to the west of Bermuda and to the east of the US coast... it's currently about 700 miles southeast of the North Carolina coast.  Although it won't make a direct landfall on Bermuda or the US, it will (and has been) produce very large waves on Bermuda and all along the entire eastern seaboard of the US and Canada.

Here are measurements being recorded by a buoy in Bill's path (wind/pressure and significant wave height):

And from Bermuda (surface observations and radar loop):
http://www.weather.bm/observations.asp (if it asks for username/password: guest/guest)

In the longer term, Bill is expected to scrape by Nova Scotia on Sunday, then Newfoundland early Monday as a potent storm... transitioning from tropical to extratropical.

Elsewhere, a couple of easterly waves are producing healthy convection in the far eastern Atlantic... one near 30W and one near 18W.  The majority of forecast models do not develop either of these, but that could change with time.

Please visit my tropical Atlantic headquarters.

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